Dado que en las películas parece que es así de fácil, vamos a
intentarlo... Desde esta humilde plataforma, solicito a su Alteza
Imperial Akihito y al honorable primer ministro Shinzō Abe nos conceda a
mi señora y a mi el uso de uno de los 747 de la Fuerza Aérea de Autodefensa de
Japón para un vuelo de ida y vuelta a Tokio, y poder dedicar dos semanas
a que ella conozca su noble tierra. Todo ello en nombre del amor, como
regalo de San Valentín. Confiando en que la petición será atendida, reciban de antemano nuestro más profundo reconocimiento.
It works in the films apparently... so... let's have a try... Using this modest platform, I beg his Imperial Highness Akihito and the most honorable Prime Minister Shinzō Abe allow my beloved wife and I to use one of the 747 planes of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force for a round-trip flight to Tokio, so we can spend two weeks and she can experience your noble land. All in the name of love, and as a Valentine's day gift. With the greatest confidence on the fulfillment of our petition, please accept beforehand our greatest appreciation.
© Kaoru Kojima
It works in the films apparently... so... let's have a try... Using this modest platform, I beg his Imperial Highness Akihito and the most honorable Prime Minister Shinzō Abe allow my beloved wife and I to use one of the 747 planes of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force for a round-trip flight to Tokio, so we can spend two weeks and she can experience your noble land. All in the name of love, and as a Valentine's day gift. With the greatest confidence on the fulfillment of our petition, please accept beforehand our greatest appreciation.

© Kaoru Kojima
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